Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center International Fellowship 2021-2022 for Scholars and Writers (Stipend available)

Deadline: September 25, 2020 Applications for the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center International Fellowship 2021-2022. The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers offers Fellowships to people whose work will benefit directly from access to the research collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. Renowned for the extraordinary comprehensiveness of its collections, the Library is one of the world’s preeminent resources for study in anthropology, art, geography, history, languages and literature, philosophy, politics, popular culture, psychology, religion, sociology, sports, and urban studies. Continue reading Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center International Fellowship 2021-2022 for Scholars and Writers (Stipend available) at Opportunity Desk.



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